
Dagestan breaks harvest record

Prime Minister of Dagestan Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov reported that 301.5 thousand tons of grapes were harvested with an average yield of 126 c/ha. This is 6% or 19 thousand tons more than a year ago, Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov reported.

The republic accounts for 26% of the country's grape planting area (27.6 thousand hectares).

The Prime Minister noted the need to increase storage capacity for fresh grapes from the current 3.63 thousand tons in four storage facilities to 20 thousand tons.

For 9 months of 2024, producers of alcoholic beverages alone in the republic paid almost 5.6 billion rubles in taxes, which is 15 percent higher than the same period last year. These funds represent significant resources for further development.

Chairman of the Committee for Viticulture and Alcohol Regulation of the Republic of Dagestan Sherif Kerimkhanov said that 824 hectares of vineyards have begun to bear fruit this year, and the area of ​​uprooted vineyards is 290 hectares. By the end of the year, the area of ​​all vineyards will be 27.6 thousand hectares, including 23.9 hectares of fruit-bearing vineyards. The area of ​​vineyards with drip irrigation is 4,286 hectares.

The spring planting of new vineyards in the republic was carried out on an area of ​​980 hectares, +30% of the plan for the year (750 hectares), including:

Derbent district – 352.2 hectares,

Suliman-Stal district – 234.5 hectares,

Kaitag district – 108.5 hectares,

Kayakent district – 102 hectares,

Tabasaran district – 80.8 hectares,

Khasavyurt district – 54 hectares,

Sergokalinsky district – 27 hectares,

Babayurt district – 10 hectares.

Karabudakhkent district – 7 hectares,

Magaramkent district – 4.3 hectares.

Among the regions of the republic, the leaders in gross harvest are Derbentsky - 100,476 tons, Kayakentsky - 39,374 tons, Karabudakhkentsky - 24,905 tons.

Among the farms - leaders in gross harvest of grapes are:

JSC "Nariman Aliyev" - 28 thousand tons,

Agroholding "Tatlyar" - 22.5 thousand tons,

JSC "DZIV" - 25.5 thousand tons,

LLC "Derbent Agro" - 8.6 thousand tons.

The average sugar content in grapes ranges from 16.2 to 24.7%

During the grape harvest from mid-August to early November of this year, more than 107,000 people were additionally involved.

The salary of a grape picker is 3-4 rubles per 1 kilogram of harvested grapes. The harvest rate for one shift is 800 kg - 1 ton of grapes with the possibility of earning from 2,500 to 4,000 rubles per day, that is, more than 100,000 rubles per month.

Of the 301,544 tons of grapes collected in the 2024 harvest, 234 thousand tons of grapes were processed, which is 38 thousand tons or 16% more than the volume of processing last year (196 thousand tons).

Among the major processors, the head of the department singled out

JSC Kizlyar Cognac Factory - 53.5 thousand tons,

JSC Derbent Sparkling Wine Factory - 27.2 thousand tons,

JSC Derbent Cognac Factory - 23 thousand tons,

LLC Derbent Wine Company - 22 thousand tons,

LLC Alvisa - 31 thousand tons,

LLC Derbent Wine and Cognac Factory - 37 thousand tons.

Speaking about the production of alcoholic beverages, the head of Dagvino said that over 95% of vintage cognacs from its total production volume in Russia are produced in the republic.

"This year, there has been a positive dynamics in production by 13% compared to last year, for cognac - by 28%, for sparkling wines - by 37%," said the head of Dagvino

If until 2022, the bulk of grape seedlings were purchased abroad (Italy, France, Austria, Serbia), then according to the Russian Agricultural Center for the Republic of Dagestan, in 2023, more than 8 million grape seedlings were certified within the republic. In 2024, it is planned to produce more than 5.5 million pieces of grafted seedlings.

Thus, today the republic is not only fully provided with its own planting material for grapes, but can also supply seedlings to other regions. In particular, more than 400 thousand seedlings were delivered to the Republic of Crimea in 2023, this year it is planned to supply 840 thousand pieces to Crimea and 500 thousand pieces to the Krasnodar Territory.

The head of the relevant department also reported on the implementation of 4 large-scale investment projects for planting vineyards on a total area of ​​1,354.8 hectares, of which more than 416 hectares have already been planted to date. Among them: JSC Kizlyar Brandy Factory MIP "Planting vineyards on an area of ​​311 hectares in the village of Pervomaysky, Derbent District". The second project is LLC Kaspiyskaya Loza for planting a vineyard with drip irrigation on a land plot of 572 hectares in the village of Mitagi-Kazmalyar, Derbent District. The third project is LLC Derbent-Agro for planting vineyards with drip irrigation on a land plot of 331.8 hectares in the Derbent District in the village of Dzhalgan. The fourth project is being implemented by JSC Kizlyar Brandy Factory for planting vineyards on an area of ​​140 hectares in the Kizlyar District.